it all started HERE
in this pyramid-shaped highway church in Baden-Baden,
at least the love story of bohodar and me,
although we didn’t know each other at that point in this life.
In 2003 Lex von Someren recorded the WUNDERWUNDERWUNDERvoll CD “Crystal Peace” with the singer Uschi Klee.
And these sounds called Bohodar to Lex back then. And a few years later they called me to BOHODAR as part of the calling mantra choir that Lex wanted to found.
And TODAY we start HERE our joint journey to the places of power in the world, which we want to honor with our SOUNDS.
The idea came to us in May of this year when we traveled through Switzerland and sang about some places of power. It called for you to be a part of it. And because we can’t always take everyone with us, let’s try it this way.
It’s pretty much in right now;)
To start with, we give you the sounds that flowed through us there.
Before that there is a chat about this project, about us & from minute 29.50 you can hear the sounds. Here, too, the sound quality is modest (highway-helicopter-cell phone…) but the information vibrating over the sounds still arrives;)
With a wide open heart and all our blessings to you,
Yours, Cornelia Dola & Bohodar