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Adventure evening with the Danish author & mystic Lars Muhl


When Lars Muhl first encountered the true essence of Mariam Magdalene in writing, it was the beginning of an intense search for the truth about this amazing woman who undoubtedly played a significant role in the mission of Yeshua the Nazarene (Jesus). played.

As a cosmic archetype, Mariam the Magdalene represents a long line of female avatars who acted on an equal footing with their male counterparts but were never recognized.

Even if in the background it is always about harmonizing the female and male principle in every human being, whether woman or man, in every situation or in every thought, now is the time for us to actively and consciously contribute that the Feminine Principle is gaining more and more the place it deserves in society as well as in ourselves.

Mariam the Magdalene, trained as a Moon Priestess, embodied these qualities at the highest level during her lifetime, teaching alongside Yeshua with him the path to freedom through the unity of the feminine and masculine polarities.

Using the example of Mariam the Magdalene – Mary the Exalted, Mary the Master – Lars lets us experience this evening how we can open our consciousness to the feminine qualities. He will take us on a journey into the depths of his research. We will practice some of the ancient practices from the Essene and Therapeutic Mystery Schools, thereby contributing to the healing and transformation of the Divine Feminine within ourselves and in society. Lars will work intuitively in the sacred moment and intuitively attune to the group.

An evening full of healing, mysticism and divine femininity awaits you.

When: Friday, July 30, 2021 from 6 p.m. to approx. 8.30 p.m

Where: Room for Body Consciousness, Schulzestrasse 21, 13187 Berlin



The event can also be booked as an online webinar:

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