GIVING Birth Sounds for wellbeing & transformation
The birth of our double CD GIVING BIRTH is now complete.
Thanks to all obstetricians and supporters ❤️
Our intention is to use the power of the voice of me and Miroslav as an effective support in the accompaniment of births.
With this in mind, we let our voices run free and created music based on completely free improvisation, which vibrates in a perfect balance of female and male power.
As a result, it has a special effect on all associated transformation processes.
The CD’s are therefore also suitable for inner journeys and strengthening in non-physical birth experiences.
You can enjoy a snippet here:
The CD can now be ordered directly from us.
The price for this highly transformative and at the same time deeply relaxing music is available for 44 euros including postage.
Are you ready to surrender to these sounds?
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Ja, ich möchte eine CD bestellen.
The primal mother sounds
Now also on CD!
This sound is a wonderful gift, a healing song that works in an indescribable way where it is needed.
Since Wodanstag, my birthday, UrMutterKlänge has also been available on CD or mp3.
If you would also like to enjoy the sounds, you are welcome to contact me directly or order the CD here:
Hathor sound journey into the new BEING
I would like to give away a part of it to the world today, knowing that it will reach and support exactly the right people.
During my first professional studio recordings last fall of 2019, after the first few hours, a sound emerged that led everyone present into a deep trance.
It sang through me in a quality I remembered from my first encounter with the Hathors.
I let it flow through me with respect, wonder and great delight.
And there were pictures and messages for the gentle transition into the new BEING, just like back then when the original mother sound was born in me.
The cloud formations at the end of the shots spoke for themselves. They reproduced exactly the image I had in my vision. A gate held by the Hathors through which we enter the new plane of BEING or as I saw it then, the New Earth.
I have also been given instructions on how to compose the sounds so that they can work for the highest good of all listeners.
If you want to experience the complete journey, you can order it directly from me as a CD or mp3.
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I thank all helpers and companions.
With love and humility
Cornelia Dola