January 6th, also called Epiphany time (appearance of the Lord), is a good day to review the last 12 nights and look back.
We may already be able to see how the new year will be shaped, which topics have clearly emerged and full of anticipation and trust, we can now begin in the here and now of our humanity, perhaps even full of zest for action in the new year.
In Hellenistic Egypt on the night of January 6th the birth of the sun god Aion from the virgin Kore was celebrated. On the day of January 6th, healing water was drawn from the Nile.
A cosmic event that we are celebrating & sealing with today’s ceremony so that we can start the new year with the fullest blessings & pure vitality.
With a drum journey, guided sound meditation with crystal singing bowls, the primal mother sounds & a water ceremony, we will travel deep within to connect with the highest.
life is vibration
Vibration is sound.
Sound is healing.
For the highest good of all that IS.
When: Thursday, January 6, 2022, 6 p.m. – approx. 9 p.m
Contribution: €30.00
Please register as the number of participants is limited. You will receive more information about what to bring with you for the special ceremony after registration.
Welcome, Cornelia Dola
Maybe some of you are already feeling the spirit of optimism.
From January 5th to January 6th is the big festival night of Percht, the big WONDER night. The whole of the coming year is in here.
Now Percht is distributing her gifts. We can set out milk and white pastries for her and her entourage again.
We can also put out red, white and black food to honor all forms of the great goddess (her triple form: youthful white spring goddess, red fertile summer goddess and black old and wise goddess of winter (Mrs Hell))
It is said that on this night our wishes, clearly expressed, are taken away by the Percht and her entourage and taken to where the wishes are “worked on”.
At midnight, doors and windows are opened to let in the blessing of the holy “Epiphany Wind”.
This night seals the rough nights and the gates to the other world close again.