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UrMutterKlang ceremony with drum journey, sound journey, ancestral incense, transformation fire and much more.

The dark time, the so-called “annual night” begins on the 11th new moon of the year (counted after the last winter solstice) and lasts until Imbolc. For the Celts it was the end & beginning of the year, the night that represented the transition from the old to the new year. The New Year of the Celts, so to speak.

At such transitions, the veils between the worlds are again more transparent.

Originally, this quality of time was also used to connect with the ancestors, to commemorate them, to thank them, to ask them for advice, to celebrate with them.

And that is exactly what this evening together is intended for.

I will initiate you into the secrets of important, old customs and accompany you with original ceremonies.

Each individual will have the opportunity to go into the space of healing with their own personal issues that they bring with them.

We will create a field that connects us to our first ancestors. This creates a basis that brings us into deep contact with ourselves.

It gives healing on all levels, also for those who came before us and those who come after us.

The concluding sacred fire ceremony will allow us to delve deep into our ancestral field, we will create a gateway that enables us to easily come into contact with the power of our ancestors in everyday life.

I am really looking forward to an intensive and healing time with everyone!

Warm welcome!

Your Cornelia Dola?


Friday, October 16, 2020, 5 p.m. – approx. 9 p.m

Healing practice at the Bürgerpark / room for body awareness

Schulzestr. 21 in Berlin-Pankow,

Contribution: €50.00

I ask for registration, because there is only a limited number of participants?

