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Erhalte Event-Infos und Tipps:

Living from Love and Consciousness and


What is consciousness? What is personal love and what is universal love?

Saeed conveys the essence of consciousness, heart, love and grace through guided meditations and spiritual practices.

From the beginning to the end of the seminar, Saeed creates a high vibrational energy field (Shakitpat) that promotes the elevation of consciousness.

Topics in the seminar are: the three stages of love, the three hearts and the Hridaya activation, tantra and working with conscious energy, manifested and unmanifest consciousness, the levels of consciousness, the difference between awakening and enlightenment, conscious communication as well as presence and awareness .

Saeed speaks English and will be translated into German on request.

Cost €170
Berlin, 27.-28. August, Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m

Heilpraxis am Bürgerpark, Schulzestraße 21, 13187 Berlin

Registration with Christine and Ruggero:
Phone: +49 172 303 47 80 (Christine: Telegram)
Tel: +49 175 937 76 86 (Ruggero: WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal)

Individual sessions with Saeed on request in Berlin and online.