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With drum journey, the primal mother sounds, incense & fire ceremony.


On Monday, March 21, 2022, I will celebrate the spring equinox with you.

Beginning of spring, time of balance. Light and darkness, day and night – everything is balanced on this day.
Since time immemorial, the “victory of day over night” and the return of the fertile mother goddess to earth

All signs point to a new beginning, departure, upheaval, breakthrough, renewal.

Sunlight is “born again” and growing day by day.

We can feel spring in every cell of the body:
New strength, zest for life and joie de vivre are beginning to spread, many things are easier to do now, we are rediscovering the world.

With this in mind, we will celebrate this special day with a circle of creators.

I will initiate you into the ancient knowledge of this quality of time and we will dive into these powers very specifically with your personal issues.

We will immerse ourselves in our natural creative power, explore it and use it consciously.

We are all creators of our reality, whether we consciously create it or unconsciously “swim along”.

Becoming aware of your creative power, using it powerfully and for the benefit of all living beings, is an important aspect of this circle when you immerse yourself in the cosmic forces of this day.

This evening is intended to open oneself to one’s heart’s desires, to go for them and to stay tuned with the power of manifestation of the circle and the magic of this time.

The evening ends with a fire ceremony.

The fire as a symbol of the power-bringing sun will carry us and bring the new light home with us.

I am very happy to celebrate this special quality of time with you!

Warm welcome,
your Cornelia Dola

When: Monday, March 21, 2022, 5:30 p.m. – approx. 9:30 p.m
Where: Heilpraxis am Bürgepark Schulzestrasse 21, 13187 Berlin
Contribution: €50.00

Please register in good time as there is only a limited number of participants.


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