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When: Friday, October 5, 2018, 6 p.m. – approx. 10 p.m

Location: Bindergasse 11, 92334 Berching

Contribution: woman €80.00/ man €40.00

The number of places is very limited, so please register in good time.

Register now (click here)


With drum journey, womb healing, sound journey, transformation fire and much more.

Held by the energy of the primal father.

Nourished, healed by the power of the primal mother.

On this evening I will only perform shamanic healing rituals that have only been passed on orally and are therefore largely unknown.

There will be a part where the women and the men are in a circle among themselves


The Circle of Women

We women store in our uterus the pain of abuse, fear, inherited garbage from our ancestors and most importantly from the men we have bonded with. We just forgot that we don’t have to pay for it and carry it with us forever in the form of illness, unfulfilled sexuality or repetitive relationship patterns.

This evening I will give you the keys to free yourself from it.

I will remind you of the wisdom of the female primal power and show you how you can go your way as a free woman in full force.

To do this, we will mainly connect with the wisdom and primal power of our womb and free ourselves from old fear, pain and shame through the rite of the womb (rite of the womb).

The circle of men:

Sitting together in a circle of men by the fire, connecting with the power of the primeval father in order to hold the circle of women with your very own male energy.

This conscious holding and protecting of the women’s circle activates the new powers of the man that are calling.

Out of the old patterns of violence, greed, insecurity, disorientation, false pride transforming into the new qualities of cohesion, real leadership, trust, integrity and loving family care, while walking for HIS mission.

Conscious letting go of old pain through the fire ceremony with the women, immersion in unity & integration of all missing parts through the fire and the primal mother sound bath, lift all boundaries that separate HUMAN from SELF and thus from its source,
so that you can go your way as free men in full force.

The healing ceremony is sealed by the common transformation fire and the primal mother sound bath.


During the big Equinox ceremony in Sweden last year, I was instructed in how today’s women and men can heal themselves again. The healing ceremony is sealed by the UrMutterKlang bath together.

Equinox – the autumnal equinox, a quality of time in which the absolute balance between day and night, light and dark, male and female can be felt, seen and preciously experienced.

The key lies in this balance.

The circle and the point.

Alpha and Omega.

Plus and minus.

Transforming together into a zero field, the SPACE that makes up our essence, opening and balancing everything that doesn’t serve life or love.

The women’s circle held and protected by the men’s circle.

Strengthen the back of women unconditionally and thus get in touch with your own healthy male power.

LET yourself be held in confidence and blossom in the circle of your own primal femininity.

Transform and heal together.

The primal longing for completeness within yourself, in perfect harmony with the polarities within you, is a reminder of your original state, the noble being that you are at the core as humans.

Let’s remember it together again.

Let’s melt all the boundaries that prevent us from meeting each other respectfully and on an equal footing, appreciating and in the fullest truth letting ourselves grow in our own fire.

Man! It is time to take your place again at the side of the Great Father and your brothers.

Woman! It is time to take your place again at the side of the First Mother and your sisters.

Men! Women! It is time to heal your primal pain that you have been carrying with you for too long. And to rise together! Out of yourself.

Because you have the power to do it.


The healing ceremony is suitable for everyone, no matter what their sexual orientation is, because we all always unite male and female parts within us, no matter what form it is expressed on the outside.


Register now (click here)

When: Friday, October 5, 2018, 6 p.m. – approx. 10 p.m

Location: Bindergasse 11, 92334 Berching

Contribution: woman €80.00/ man €40.00

The number of places is very limited, so please register in good time.