Les nuits agitées sont un moment sacré pour moi.
temps de retraite.
temps de vision.
temps de réflexion.
Et aussi le temps de la purification.
Le temps d’une convivialité.
Et surtout, le temps d’un fumage intensif.
C’est de là que vient le nom “Rauhnacht”, entre autres, “smoke night”.
Outre le fait que la fumée flottait et flottait sur les champs à cette époque de l’année, la fumée des maisons et des cours et aussi la fumée qui était traditionnellement utilisée pour enfumer la maison, la cour et les écuries pour enfumer les anciennes énergies et les démons de la maladie. En conséquence, le bétail peut être propre, sain et libre, et les membres de la famille peuvent passer l’année à venir en bonne santé.
Le terme “Rauhnacht” vient aussi de “murmure” car c’est un moment où nos ancêtres nous chuchotent.
Ils nous chuchotent toujours si nous voulons les écouter.
Cependant, ces jours-ci, les voiles sont tellement levés, les portes s’ouvrent tellement grand que nous pouvons entrer en contact avec l’autre monde, avec le monde ancestral, beaucoup plus facilement.
Therefore, ancestor work is particularly beneficial during the rough nights.
Otherwise, the rough nights are like portal days or portal nights, which have a major impact on the coming year.
At the same time, it gives us insights into the coming year, what is to come, what wants to come and what can come.
Because what I mainly use the rough nights for is to steer fate in the direction that my highest SELF really wants to experience and I have not succumbed to the Caribbean wheel.
That means I get insights, perspectives and CHOOSE.
And if something bad shows up in the form of encounters or dreams, we can change it in appropriate meditations and ceremonies, i.e. make it visible, and change it.
This is the gift of the rough nights.
I’m always amazed at how precise the predictions are when I look at my Rauhnacht diaries.
For many, many years I’ve been keeping twilight diaries, where I look up each month and see what the tendencies are and what has happened. It is always very amazing and sometimes truly WONDERFUL, because it can also spark the right impulses in us to go in the right direction.
That’s really exciting.
I can tell a few stories, but that would take us too far.
I can then gladly report on this in the personal Rauhnachts retreats or other meeting reports.
This year there will be a new format. Format sounds so formal…
This year I will celebrate with a few people in our yurt.
There will be enough time for introspection, travel, healing journeys, sound journeys, for being together, for resting, for visioning and for alignment.
And for all those who cannot be there in person, we have brought the online course into the world. It is a way in which you are accompanied online to the respective days with the respective corresponding meditations and healing sounds as well as incense suggestions, incense science, herbalism and much more.
The magic of the night, as we call it, is celebrating its fifth anniversary.
It has evolved from year to year and it has become deeper and more alive.
And this time, too, we have included new impulses, because it corresponds more to the energies that prevail NOW than to the energies of last year.
Therefore, it is not an instant program that runs the same way every year, but a living program that picks you up exactly where you are with your respective challenges and desires.
If you would like to get a foretaste, you can come to us in the center of Berlin.
There we will have a Winter Solstice ceremony, which is my favorite ceremony as many of you know.
And so the rough nights are initiated or the process that follows.
This winter solstice ceremony is very powerful, very magical and I think it is also very important because it is an important door that is opening.
We can use this gate extremely well to let go of the old year, all the energies from the old year, to really let go and to invite the new, the blessing.
Therefore, I am happy to be able to hug one or the other again or simply to be available as a ceremony keeper in the ceremony, to hold the space, to provide the sounds and I look forward to a very WONDERFUL time in a common field of LOVE, BLESSING and ATTENTION.
Et comme vous le savez, de tels champs n’ont pas besoin de présence personnelle, mais aussi la connexion spirituelle dans le groupe porte simplement tous les membres à travers cette période, afin que nous puissions nous soutenir, nous inspirer et nous soutenir mutuellement et créer quelque chose de MERVEILLEUX en connexion. De plus, nous apportons également la BÉNÉDICTION pour le monde qui réclame un soutien à tous les niveaux.
C’est pourquoi il est préférable de commencer par SOI, car plus on est connecté, le GUÉRISSEUR, plus on est apaisé, plus on est SOI, plus on est centré, mieux on peut travailler et servir à l’extérieur, être une INSPIRATION.
Dans cet esprit, je vous souhaite tout le meilleur, je vous salue du fond du cœur et j’ai hâte de vous voir bientôt.
Cordialement, Cornelia Dola
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