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A journey with drum, earth flute and Vedic fire ceremony brings you into a deeper, tangible connection with YOURSELF.

Through the ritual entry into the great powers such as full moon and fire, we step out of the limitations of our personal stories into the great field of the all-one, in which EVERYTHING from this higher order will sort itself out for the good of ALL.

Once there, we receive the blessings of the forces that support us, cleanse and clarify ourselves

and rest in the SILENCE of our Self.

Here life can work for us, as it has always worked for us.

The old can go, the new can appear, the seeds for a joyful, peaceful being in the here and now can be sown.

Because of the full moon, everything that we now allow to take effect is absorbed in its highest power.

Strengthened and connected, we can take these forces with us into our everyday lives and let them carry us.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. (exact full moon time is at 11:42 p.m.)

Limited number of participants, so please register in time.

Contribution: 20€

Anmeldung hier.