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A healing journey for the women & men of the new era!


-with drum journeys, ancestral work, various replacement and healing ceremonies, silence, meditations, fire, healing songs and much more.

“When women & men meet as equals & with respect & love & when they become one in their essence, then they can move mountains”

In order to be able to do this, you need to be tidy, to have a clear CONNECTION with SELF, to BE aligned with the HIGHEST aspect in one, to have the COURAGE to live your own truth, to remain true to YOURSELF, to face the challenges of LIFE with trust accept & master & simply use our creative power awake & consciously.

To stay awake in the knowledge of who we really are as human beings.

The complete YES to SELF, BEING in the HERE & NOW, with all the gifts, including our body temple, people & situations around us.

It’s about nothing easier & nothing more difficult than remembering who we really are & staying aligned accordingly & LIVING that.

A door opener is the awakening of our inherent primal frequency, the anchoring in this & the true expression.


We will deal with the following topics, among others:


*Exploring & experiencing the feminine & masculine principles within us & bringing these universal powers into HARMONY

*Healing ceremonies for women and men in which we uncover and heal our original wounds

*Removal rituals from old connections of former partners in order to live true LOVE for SELF & in relationship with a love partner and / and to create space for a new partner on this level

*Awakening of our inherent primal frequency & the anchoring in it, through sound, movement sequences, meditation, healing journeys

*Womb Healing & Heart Opening held in safe space by Great Mother & Great Father

Creating and anchoring the balance between male and female principle in us:

Especially in our day and age it calls for the healing of old belief systems regarding our humanness as a woman or man.

On the one hand, these old patterns still prevail in us & continue to create suffering on all levels. On the other hand, something in us knows that these times of the old patriarchal power structures have slowly but surely become obsolete.

Much unredeemed comes to the surface.

Old wounds break open and call for healing. new is calling.

This is what this healing journey is for. Healing that calls in us personally as a man, as a woman, to prepare the ground in a gentle & sustainable way & to do our part collectively.

This seminar is suitable for everyone, no matter what their sexual orientation is, because we all always combine male and female parts within us, no matter what form it is expressed on the outside.


When: Saturday, November 30 10:00 a.m. – approx. 8:00 p.m

Where: Wildenbergen 8a, 91189 Rohr-Wildenbergen

Contribution: €120.00 incl. meals
