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Hear it here as a sound message.

“Dear women, I greet you warmly & the fire sends greetings to you. Now it hisses to itself, but at the same time its soul is very present & we both want to tell you that the topic that has been reported very strongly today & has been realized is Open Heart Theme And that’s a theme for the men.

Through the forgiveness of everything that led to the men ever closing their hearts, through the giving to the fire of all experiences that consciously or unconsciously led to the men, we men, ever closing our hearts, was dissolved. The locks were broken. The true circle of men for you women today did not just consist of protecting you from anything, so that you feel safe within the framework of male power, to go through your own processes and healings with Cornelia. But the great healing & protection for you women is that we men always keep our hearts open for you.

Since from today’s point of view, where it is no longer the warriors in the old sense who should look after the village, the village full of women & children & old people is necessary, the greatest & true protection of us men is when we in our love for you women always keep our hearts open.

No matter what experiences we have had. It doesn’t matter now. Everything is thrown into the fire today. The big male, primal male heart was activated that will never close again & one could say there is no greater danger for you women from today’s perspective than when men close their hearts to you. Therefore, the true circle held today was to activate the great male heart, which in its greatness, in its perfection, always remains open.

And the love, the security that comes to you women is indescribable. You can’t defend them with weapons, nor can you speak up for them with nice words.

I was pretty much the only one around the fire today, so let’s say from the male perspective, it feels like you women are allowed to carry this message out into the world. I wanted to encourage you to do that. Namely, if it touches you, go into life & then touch your male companions. Whether these are your husbands, your friends, your sons. It’s a very simple ritual.

Lovingly place your hand on the man’s chest, centered on the chest where the heart chakra is, look into the eyes & say, “I see you!” And if you need it or have the space, then you can tell your husbands more. More of what I am telling you now & encouraging you to do.

There is nothing braver for men, no greater trial or step if you will, than to unconditionally open the heart & the keys that ever were or the locks, burn it all & throw it into the fire. To stay open with such vulnerable hearts, to go through life.

There is no greater courage or initiation in Heaven for men than just this. Mainly because now is the time to do it. And then, when pain should come, or betrayal, or those old things that actually wouldn’t come anymore, going through this pain without closing your heart.

That’s the men’s issue now. And that was activated today at the fire. And we owe it to you men, your presence, that we were allowed to feel that, because the value of a true man is only in serving the female, through the touch of the female & that’s where this open hearted feeling or topicality came from for today.

Greetings, blessings & great love of the manly heart be with you! your Bohodar”



Each women’s circle at the full moon is held by the men’s circle by the fire. It is always fascinating how the topics of both circles complement each other, support each other & deep healings become possible on both sides.

The dates for the next full moon healing circles for women and men can be found here: