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sound healing


life is vibration Vibration is sound. Sound is healing.


The UrMutterKlang is a wonderful gift, a healing song that works in an indescribable way where it is needed – at home or as an accompaniment in a healing session.


Is it your wish to bring deep wounds into the healing process and to release blockages?

Do you want to remind your body down to the smallest cell to swing back to its original frequency?

Your body, your soul and your spirit should be guided to deep healing in order to come into harmony with you and your body?

As a healing and sound artist, I use sound in its original form as a medium for profound healing processes. Life has given me a WONDERFUL tool for this.
The primal mother sound.

The primal mother is the female primal power – the great mother of all things – space – the Shekina. It is the nurturing, the carrying and the manifestation power of love.
The primal mother sound is the key to the soul.

With the sounds of the primal mother, which resonate through me, I open your consciousness and your heart. The sounds uplift, remind, connect and ground you. This leads to deep healing of your body, mind and soul.

Do you want to experience the primal mother sound?

Then get an appointment.



I would like to make this gift of sound healing available to everyone at all times, even if someone is not personally allowed to experience a primal mother sound healing with me.


Following an old prophecy, I went to Sweden at Equinox time 2017. There, in a long process, the primal mother sound was born in me, out of me. The whole way would fill a book, but here you can find a small snippet:

Der UrMutterKlang